Gobspark Firesteel with Super Scraper and Lanyard

The GobsparkTM Armageddon Firesteel with ulta-unique Firesteel Handle attached to a big World famous Firesteel.com FireSteel.

The innovative GobSpark FireSteel handle is designed for optimal use in all weather with or without gloved hands.

Invented by FireSteel.com to maximize your grip on this large FireSteel you'll get the biggest most robust gobs of sparks from a FireSteel. Your grip on the firesteel is so rock-steady your sparks may never miss the tinder again!

The GobSparkTM Armageddon FireSteel has:

1. A BIGGER FireSteel than comparable products - it is thicker and it is long.

2. A BETTER handle

3. A FireSteel.com FireSteel that gives far greater sparks than any others you may have used.


Easy to Use with Gloved Hands

Imagine trying to start a fire with very cold hands or while wearing gloves. A small blocky firesteel handle may be very difficult to hold onto. But using a GobSparkTM Armageddon FireSteel presents no problem even with gloved hands.

To use this special FireSteel Handle
1. Place the handle in the palm of your hand so that the firesteel lays between your index and middle fingers.

2. Position your hand palm-down and place the FireSteel Rod next to your tinder.

3. While holding the firesteel handle tightly scrape the FireSteel rod hard and fast in one fluid motion.

This will produce a massive shower of white hot 5500 degree F sparks aimed directly at your tinder.

Special shape of the handle allows for creative attachment to your belt or gear.

Comes with 26-inch 550 parachute cord lanyard and FireSteel.com Super Scraper.

This is a BIG FireSteel at a great price innovative handle super scraper optimized for FireSteels and first-class lanyard.

  • Works even when wet

  • Enough firesteel to light thousands of fires

  • 5500 degrees F sparks (3000 degrees C)

  • Handle easy to hold on to even when wearing gloves in cold weather

  • Very easy to use

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